Sauced Night Market at House of Vans

Guess what? We didn't vend at this market, we attended as shoppers! It was so fun to be on the other side and support local makers. (Pictured above: Stephen, Sarah of Sauced Market, Mark)
John of Aged & Infused, Emily of Locked & Layered, Jessie of Aged & Infused, Stephen of Edgewater Candles, Kyle of Soothsayer, Mark of Edgewater Candles.
Mark, Emily of Orange Beautiful, Stephen, Emily of Locked & Layered
Mark, Josh of Orange Beautiful
Mark, Mashallah, Stephen, Sarah of Sin Clarity, Alison Mooney
Mark, Emilie of Twinette Poterie
Mark, Ryan of Bitter Ex
Mark, Peter of Minima Maxima